I went to the party for the impressionists - I miss d'Orsay badly, last time I went there was 5 year ago, and I don't know when I'll have a chance to go again, - and to meet a friend. Guess what? My friend got sick and called me at the last moment to tell me she's not coming!
So I was left on my own with food, wine, music, performances, and the impressionists. For different reasons, I couldn't take pictures of the paintings and the music. I don't know why I never thought to take a picture of the go-go dancers or the wonderful mime who went through the crowd and interacted with everyone she saw in mimics and gesture, or of the Pernod bar. May be because I'm a food blogger. So all you get here is pictures of food.
After sampling a few mini-quiches and crudites, I got to the dessert station, and was about to take a picture and leave tasting for later, when the Maître d' went by and said: "If you only try one dessert tonight, make it the coffee bean truffle." I took one right away. It was heaven. (That's the darkest ones in the photo)
20 minutes later all the coffee bean truffles were gone. I sampled the cocoa and pistachio truffles later, they were good, but not even close to the amazing coffe bean.
There were a few people I know at the party. It appears that all the same people go to the same places.
J., a beatiful sunny kid of my friend's friend, who hikes, skies, and is generally one of us, and whom I just meet at a party last weekend, was there with her buddies.
I didn't know that Maxx, one of my dear salsa dancing partners, works for Marin French Cheese Company, but there he was, slicing the cheeses for tasting. His was one of the busiest tables at the party, but we were still able to chat about favorite bands and clubs, while he served the cheeses.
My salsa dancing crowd is one of the best foodie crowds so far.
I've already met a bread baker and a cheesemonger on the dance floor.
Now, I cannot wait to dance with a winemaker. Happy Bastille day!
I arrived around 9 and there were only baguettes; not even any cheese.
They were gone soon after 8. I was lucky to come early.
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